Travel Tips

The Essential Portable Tea Corner

“Connoisseur” is a nicer name for it, but truth be told, I’m probably just a tea snob. There’s nothing quite like a cup of freshly brewed tea to help me greet the day. After numerous trips of suffering through coffee-tainted hot water from hotel room coffee makers, I decided it was time to find a remedy. Thankfully, a solution was available, and it’s some of the best $20 I’ve spent on a travel-related purchase!

The Gourmia Travel Foldable Electric Kettle goes with me everywhere now and ensures that a quality cup of tea can be prepared anywhere that electricity and water are plentiful (which covers all the places I’ve traveled thus far!). It collapses neatly into a box, travels easily in a suitcase or carry-on bag, and pops up instantaneously to boil a couple cups of water in minutes. As long as I have my kettle, a couple bags of selected loose leaf tea (my new Icewine tea from Canada has been my constant companion lately), an infuser, and a ceramic travel mug, my essential portable tea corner is ready for service!

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