Africa,  Books About Travel,  Egypt,  Travel & Kids

Inspiring Children to Love World Travel

A well-known educator once posited that teachers and parents should fill learning environments with materials that they want their students and children to love. Of course, I want my children (who also happen to be my students!) to love traveling, so I make it a point to saturate our home with books and art that will inspire them in that direction.

A history lesson my daughter and I were discussing earlier this week is an example of the convergence of these ideals. We’ve been working through a super cool series called Draw and Write Through History. As we discussed the ancient Egyptians and the mystery and prowess of their pyramid engineering and construction, we started by locating Egypt on the beautiful watercolor world map hanging above our couch.

We were curious to learn a bit more about their construction, so she pulled out the Atlas of Adventures Wonders of the World book that we currently have checked out from our local library. This enlightened us with a variety of other trivia.

After that it was time to check out an actual photograph of this building phenomenon, so for that we pulled out the World Architecture book that was a gift from a friend and has a permanent spot on our coffee table shelf. A brief overview of the Great Pyramid gave us an up-close look at the 2,300,000 stones (each weighing 5,000 pounds!) that were used to construct the giant tomb.

We finished our lesson informed, intrigued, and inspired. And maybe with an itch to plan a trip to Egypt, too…

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