Places,  Tennessee

An Excursion to Little Egypt

How this wooded hill in Eastern Tennessee earned the moniker “Little Egypt” is beyond me! Nevertheless, any outdoor enthusiast looking for a relatively easy hike with a rewarding view from the top and a refreshing waterfall swim on the descent should check it out.

Turn just after the Cove Lake State Park Sign

There was no signage to get to Little Egypt, but you can follow the directions on Google Maps. Thankfully, we were one of only few visitors the day we went, so we were able to easily find an outcropping at the end of the road to park. There is no official parking area, so if it’s busy I can imagine it would be hard to figure out where to park.

Little Egypt Hiking Trail

The trail was mostly an easy slope with a few places where the incline grew steeper and was littered with large stones. It was well-traveled and we had no trouble making our way to the top.

At the top of the Little Egypt trail

Panoramic views of the Tennessee Valley greeted us at the pinnacle of our hike. Well worth the 1.8 mile trek to the top!

Triple Falls

The best part awaited us on the return to the trailhead – cold waterfalls to refresh our sweaty bodies! A makeshift path led to the edge of the area and we were able to climb down into the pool.

Triple Falls

We quickly acclimated to the frigid water and had fun frolicking in the pool at the base of the middle of the Triple Falls. I was so tempted to do some cliff-jumping, but with a depth of what I guessed to be merely 8-10’, my wiser self opted to forego the pleasure of the moment in favor of avoiding a potential trip to the ER.

The Chunky Monkey Ice Cream Shop

An afternoon of exertion compelled us to the most logical next course of action: ice cream. A quick search on my Trip Advisor app yielded our best option: The Chunky Monkey in Clinton, Tennessee. The reviews warned us that it looked like a hole-in-the-wall shop, but was worth it. We were not disappointed!

The Chunky Monkey Ice Cream Shop

A full menu of delicacies featuring local ice cream from Mayfield Farms provided plenty of options, all of which were tasty (and even warranted a return trip later in the week!).

A vigorous hike, gorgeous views, refreshing waterfalls, and flavorful ice cream – who could ask for a better excursion for the day?!